Potential Damage Caused by Falling Pine Needles

Pine needles are both beautiful and useful, at least to the environment. They can, however, cause damage to your roofing system. JAM Roofing details how this happens in today’s post.

High Moisture

When a number of pine needles fall at the same time or has accumulated on the roof, moisture from the air or rain won’t be able to evaporate and dry up. The moisture will then promote the growth of moss and mold, which may affect your curb appeal and hold more moisture, leading to water damage.


When pine needles clump together and form a “mat-like” surface, they settle into the roof valleys. This mat can be quite difficult to dislodge and scrape away, which will compromise the shingles underneath it.

Crevice Infiltration

For shingle roofing, pine needles can actually get into the crevices and create more openings that lead to small cracks. These cracks will be the beginning of leaks and turn into much more severe damage, especially in residential roofing systems.


Gutters are supposed to provide a proper route for water to run off and be disposed of safely away from the property. Issues arise when the gutter itself gets clogged by the pine needles that have clumped together. When this happens, it’s time to call your gutter and roofing contractor for extensive cleanup.

Allergy Risks

When seasons change to dry and warm, it is usually the same time as allergy season. The pollen from flowers tends to stick with the pine needles that have fallen to the roof and cause allergy attacks to highly susceptible people. Cleanup should be done before the season begins.

As part of your roof and gutter maintenance, sweep out the fallen pine needles to prevent damage on your property. Do this periodically to prevent buildup. Another option is to install gutter guards. Ask your roofing company for such a product and it will save you a lot of time in cleaning the roof.

For a trusted roofing company in Medford and Grants Pass, OR, contact JAM Roofing today at (541) 644-8111. Schedule your free consultation and get started with your roofing project today!